Fire Ant Killer - 25 LB Bag


Category: advion fire ant bait

About this item

  • Description: Extinguish Plus is an insect growth regulator (IGR) and added insecticide that kills fire ant workers and prevent queens from laying fertile eggs.
  • Target Pests: EXTINGUISH PLUS controls imported and Native Fire Ants and other ants, such as Harvester Ants, Big-headed Ants, and Argentine Ants. See Product label for all listed pests.
  • For use In: Non-crop areas such as Rangeland, Pasture, Lawns, Landscaped areas, Golf Courses. See Product label for complete list.
  • Shelf life: Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Store Extinguish Plus in a cool, dry storage area
  • Always read and follow actual package for complete label verbiage: This information was provided to Pest control products Depot by Manufacturer. The Pest control products Depot makes no claims or warranties to its accuracy. No Guarantee is either expressed or implied by the seller beyond that indicated by the registrant of the products advertised herein.
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